
Of all the forms of prayer intercessions perhaps come most easily to us. But if we aren't careful intercessions can be long and rambling. Here is a suggested structure for intercessions. The dots indicate opportunities for you to pray for particular situations and people. 

Loving God, I pray for the world that you have made. I pray for people in places where there is hardship ........., injustice ............, and war.............. . I pray for organisations and individuals working with the poor of the world ............. , for those fighting injustice ........... and those striving for peace ............. .

Lord in your mercy hear my prayer.

Loving God, I pray for world leaders especially ................ . May they be guided to do what is right and to exercise their power for the benefit of others.

Lord in your mercy hear my prayer.

Loving God, I pray for my own country ............... . I ask for wisdom for its leaders and for peace and wholeness for its people. I pray especially for ................... .

Lord in your mercy hear my prayer.

Loving God, I pray for people I know and love ................................. .

Lord in your mercy hear my prayer.

Loving God, I pray for your church throughout the world. May it care for the poor, tell the good news of Jesus and mend divisions. I pray for churches I know ................... .

Lord in your mercy hear my prayer.

Loving God, I thank you that you hear and answer all my prayers. Help me to trust you and show me how I can be used to answer my own prayers and those of others. I bring my prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen